Dr Heather McKee - Episode 127

“I think it’s important to understand that there’s more than being right or wrong. We can often be in-between.

We can be, unsure. We can be, yet to be convinced. We can be, I need an update on my knowledge around that!”

Hosting the Podcast gives me the opportunity to speak to very smart people and to also witness people thinking in real-time while they speak. Both these things are a huge privilege to witness. Today’s return guest, Dr Heather McKee, allowed me to experience both of those in abundance.

Dr Heather McKee is known as Europe’s leading lifestyle behaviour change specialist. Having studied health behaviour change psychology for 10 years, her mission is to offer a sustainable, evidence-based alternative to an industry saturated with quick fixes and health fads.

She works with companies globally to create evidence-based wellness programs, design their wellbeing strategy, deliver keynote talks, and help people find joy in their healthy habits through her Sticky Habit Method.

This conversation, however, is quite different as we discussed many other fascinating topics.

Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

  • Why her accent doesn’t sound like the Queen anymore
  • Reassessing your own behaviour
  • Being disconnected from your inner intuition
  • Is confidence lacking in society?
  • The commonality of humans wants and needs
  • Training your mind towards positivity
  • Supporting people wanting to change
  • Your personal self-awareness practise
  • Being a better leader
  • Positive behaviour change in humans due to covid
  • Why tolerance is a weak trait
  • How to have better relationships
  • Why communication skills are so important
  • Does work/life balance exist?
  • The Four Burners Theory
  • Seeking Joy in chores and everyday life
  • Finding out more about Behaviour Change Science


I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

Your fellow being



Background, Context & Reference

Connect with Dr Heather McKee:



Discussion Links


Aura Ring

Via Character Strength Survey – Martin Seligman

Newsletter – Habit Weekly from Samuel Salzer

Newsletter – The Behavioural Scientist

Newsletter – The Decision Lab

People Discussed:

Jewel on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast

Lilia Tarawa on Ridiculously Human

Dr. Kristin Neff

Martin Seligman – Founder of Positive Psychology

Dr. Shafali Tsabury

Books Mentioned:

The Conscious Parent by Dr Shefali Tsabury

Connect by David Bradford

Good Habits, Bad Habits by Dr. Wendy Wood

Atomic Habits by James Clear

The Scout Mindset by Julia Galef

Book Suggestions:

Connect by David Bradford

Educated by Tara Westover

Music By

Matthew Parker

Right Hook Request


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