Unconventional Hiring Tactics for Employee Retention

How Transparency and Tough Love Drive Employee Retention Chris Hellgeth and I, had a fascinating conversation around the highs and lows of business success and failure. Before someone joins my (Chris) team, there’s one rule: they must talk to the other people who already work here. I insist on this because the hardest part about […]
Navigating Toxic Friendships

Navigating Toxic Friendships: A Journey of Self-Awareness and Balance Brad Smith and I delved into the concept of toxic friendships. Many of us have people in our circles who are effectively toxic energy suckers, who don’t serve us well. It’s quite difficult to distance ourselves from them. So, how do we do it? What steps […]
Believing You Are Unloveable

Unlocking Self-Love: The Key to Personal Growth and Belief in Oneself What an honour it was to speak with Dr Glover and listen to his insights around believing in yourself. In a world where the pursuit of love often leads outward, it’s easy to overlook the most crucial source of love: within ourselves. This is […]
Overcoming Addiction and Embracing Personal Growth

Unleashing the Potential Within: Overcoming Addiction and Embracing Personal Growth Jeremy Meeks (aka Shiver King) and I, spoke deeply about his journey of overcoming addiction As someone who has navigated the complexities of addiction and witnessed its transformative power, Jeremy has come to believe that addicts possess a resilience and determination that often go unrecognised. […]