The best filer in the world — my breakthrough!

A journey from Filer to → Yogi to → Coach and Podcaster…and why YOU must chase your dreams too!! I moved to London, from South Africa, when I was 18 years old, FRESH out of high school! I had a plane ticket, a small amount of savings and was off to the UK, where I practically knew nobody! […]

Curiosity — let’s be kids again and start asking WHY, much much more!

We are all curious souls in the search for some sort of meaning. I’m particularly curious around laws, cycles and rules which govern and control us, as humans on earth. A few years ago, I visited the Johannesburg Library and fortunately got a private tour. The security guard in charge was a man, who was […]

How I bought myself 146 days and counting… time saving!

Besides a house, the best things I have ever bought for myself are my scooter/moped and my iPad Pro. Why you ask is something material important? For 99% of the time, material things are not important to me and I think it’s strange when people apply a status to any material good. I’m someone who […]

The Reverse Revolution. Clarity first begins with Confusion

There is no doubt about it that we are living in exciting, yet unsettling times. I’m not a religious person but I’m starting to realise that there are many Adam’s and Eve’s of our era, who are prepared to spoil things for everyone. The fortunate thing is that we are living in a time when […]

It’s time to find the courage to fulfil your dreams

Bronnie Ware, an Australian Nurse who worked for many years in palliative care ,wrote an article about the Top 5 Regrets her patients had in life. Number 1 was the dreams they had not fulfilled… 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. 2. I wish […]

7 simple and free things you can do now, to optimise your health.

7 Simple things you can do now, without paying a cent, to optimise your health I used to be that gym freak who spent endless hours in the gym hitting weights. I’m not knocking it at all because it did bring me an immense amount of fun, focus, friends and one or two muscles 🙂 […]

My first Medium post — over 365 days late!

I have honestly had this account for over a year now and also had a reminder in my phone for probably the same amount of time saying that I need to start writing on Medium!! The amount of times that reminder has been snoozed and reset is rather ridiculous and embarrassing! Sometimes I do wonder […]

It Takes A Lot To Beat A Summers Day And Evening In London!

I’m sitting here after an absolute beaut of a long weekend in London weather wise. For those of you who live in London or who have ever lived here before will know that this city buzzes when the weather is great. I guess it’s partly because it doesn’t happen that often so everyone makes the […]

Ready to Explore?

Each Friday, I craft an exclusive email featuring my most fascinating discoveries for that week, along with insights into my fortnightly podcast episodes.