The Journey Continues…!

Sooooooo hellooooo everybody…!! Been on radio silence a little lately, just adjusting to my ‘new lifestyle’ It’s been a busy couple of weeks since being back in London! It was fantastic to be greeted by my beautiful, smiley and happy girlfriend after two months away. I arrived back on Saturday afternoon to my favourite home […]
First Assessment Done And Dusted!

Boooooom first assessment done and dusted! Started the day off with one of our last led practises which was a back bending class. I like it when we change it up from our usual Ashtanga classes. The flow and style of class are very different from each other. Our Meditation class was one called Yoga […]
Start Of Week 2!

Back to business today after a much deserved and needed day off on Sunday! The body was a little stiff and tired first thing this morning after having a day off from Yoga yesterday. It felt good after the first few postures to be back though. I had a great practise with a few mini […]
Week One Done!!

I woke up feeling sprightly and full of energy today!! What a day to be full of energy too – we had such an action packed energy filled, fun day with everyone really enjoying our late afternoon practise. Class this morning was great, I can feel every day that there are little improvements in my […]
People Are Awesome And Everything

I am always blown away by how awesome people are. Maybe I am just lucky and have such awesome friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances. The response and well wishes I received from my first post brought a massive smile to my face as well as a lot of water to my eyes…..haha ok I was […]
Turning Over A New Forest…

I feel like I have a million different emotions running through my mind and body while I type this message! I’m writing this sitting at my desk of an investment bank which has served me so well over the years. I’ve met so many awesome people and forged friendships and memories which will last forever. […]