Getting The Small Things Out The Way…

So I’m now starting to slip into a nice little routine and getting better at keeping focused and planning my days! Today was one of those days where you pat yourself on the back because you’ve finally done what you promised yourself you would do for the last few months. Do you ever find that […]
Feeling Tired, Heavy And Lethargic!

I woke up this morning feeling really tired, heavy and lethargic which wasn’t great because we were having our practise assessed by Yoga Teachers at our school who are taking their 300 Hour Teaching Training Certification. Needless to say that I had a very average practise and found myself getting very frustrated because I wasn’t […]
Start Of Week 2!

Back to business today after a much deserved and needed day off on Sunday! The body was a little stiff and tired first thing this morning after having a day off from Yoga yesterday. It felt good after the first few postures to be back though. I had a great practise with a few mini […]