Boyd Varty - Episode 118

“Look at the stars and realise that out there is an infinite mystery that you are a part”

Boyd Varty, is a lion tracker, life coach, and gifted storyteller. He has had an unconventional upbringing as he grew up on Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa, a place where man and nature strive for balance, where perils exist alongside exquisite natural wonders! A place where he shared his home with lions, leopards, snakes, and elephants as a youngster.

Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

  • Boyd’s experience of spending 40 days and 40 nights in nature, alone, without any technology
  • Becoming attuned to nature
  • The importance of campfires and storytelling
  • Wrestling with the complexity of modern life
  • How technology absorbs your attention
  • Why we should stop and slow down
  • The history of Londolozi Game Reserve
  • Tracking animals in the wild bush
  • Boyd’s journey of coming out of depression
  • How to heal from your wounds and demons
  • Spending time with Nelson Mandela after his release from prison
  • The discovery of living an authentic life
  • Almost being eaten by a crocodile
  • How animals can teach us
  • Restoring the wildness inside of you
  • How to begin your own transformation



Background, Context & Reference

Connect with Boyd Varty:






Other relevant points discussed and mentioned:

Londolozi Game Reserve 

Track your life retreat 

Podcast – 40 Days and 40 Nights 

People Discussed:

St. Francis of Assisi 

Martha Beck 

Nelson Mandela 

Victor Frankl 

Music By

Matthew Parker

Right Hook Request


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