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“The picture in the mind is translated into complementary chemistry. So if you have positive chemistry in your mind, then a positive vision is going to come out”
Stem Cell Researcher. Developmental Biologist. Epigenetic Expert. Scientist. Keynote Speaker. Spiritual Scientist. Believer. Author of The Biology of Belief.
There is so much in life which we are yet to discover, but thanks to technology, we are learning an extraordinary amount of new things and are privy to new science and research, each and every day, which is changing our lives and our view of the world. One of the really important and interesting discoveries, is that we now have the science to validate the traditional ways of how we have used things like meditation and beliefs systems to help with our overall wellbeing.
Our guest this week, Bruce Lipton, is a man who knows this all too well, and has spent much of his life and career researching and connecting science with the spiritual world.
Bruce was born in Mount Kisco, New York, into a family of Russian heritage. Like many of us, Bruce had family issues to deal with as a youngster. These were not his own issues, but his parents, and they would impact and programme him to be a certain way and have certain beliefs throughout his life.
Deviating from our normal storytelling Podcast, we used Bruce’s precious time to explore his vast wisdom and knowledge, to help understand what drives human behaviour and how we can better align ourselves with a life of greater meaning and purpose.
As a parent or adult it’s extremely important to understand the influence you have on the programming of children during the formative years of their lives. It’s also important as adults to go back and explore your own childhood. It will help you see and remember things which occurred to you, that ultimately forged many of your belief systems today.
Each of us has two minds, the conscious and subconscious mind. We switch between the two without even knowing about it and use them both interactively on a daily basis. Our subconscious is on autopilot, where we use the programs that were installed into us by the people around us. 95% of the day we are not acting consciously and in autopilot mode, so the subconscious mind plays an extremely important role in our lives.
The conscious mind, on the other hand, is the great creative mind that is thinking about things like our health, happiness, relationships, dreams and desires.
If we want to change the ‘program’ in our mind, then we need to re-educate and teach the subconscious mind, using techniques such as repetition, energy psychology and super learning. Once we learn the thing that we want to change, the process can be short. Also, once we learn to re-programme, it creates the freedom of being able to edit and add systems into our subconscious.
Bruce is well known for his research into Epigenetics, which is the study of cellular and physiological traits, or the external and environmental factors, that turn our genes on and off, and in turn, define how our cells actually read those genes. It works to see the true potential of the human mind, and the cells in our body. As Bruce states, Epigenetics has the potential to change your life by making you happier and healthier, with a greater sense of spiritual well-being
We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.
Let’s find out what it means for Bruce Lipton, to be Ridiculously Human.
Your fellow beings,
Craig and Gareth
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Each Friday, I craft an exclusive email featuring my most fascinating discoveries for that week, along with insights into my fortnightly podcast episodes.