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“I know what it’s like to be left out so I try to keep everyone under my arms and make them comfortable”
Eczema Conqueror. Health Coach. Author. Natural Chef. Smiler. Business Woman. Tribe Builder. Eczema Warrior. Founder Of The Beauty Of Eczema.
Life certainly has a strange way of throwing us curve balls and teaching us lessons. It’s often how we react and deal with those challenges that determines how things ultimately prevail.
Our guest this week, Camille Knowles, is a lady who has experienced the struggles of physical blemishes and had to deal with all the insecurities, self-doubt and lack of confidence which ensued.
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At age six, Camille was first diagnosed with eczema. Her earliest memories include her grandma making her mittens to stop her scratching at night. Sadly, a certain mindset was forged from an early age too and she would ask her grandad, things like, “Am I ugly?” because of her eczema.
As a youngster, she really enjoyed and immersed herself in arts and sports, primarily cross country running. At school, she experienced being teased and bullied more than most by the popular girls which broke her down even further.
Camille’s eczema would come and go depending on certain things which occurred in her life. Sunlight and eating well were the reasons why it would disappear and when she would be glowing inside and out. There were other times when she became extremely obsessive and restrictive with what she ate. This resulted in her first eating disorder, orthorexia.
It was a trip to California, which was the first life-changing experience she had. Six months of living in the sun, eating well, exercising and being surrounded by like-minded, health-conscious people made her eczema disappear once again.
Moving back to the UK, the up and down yo-yo continued and sent everything in reverse. She was neglecting sleep and isolating herself. She’d wake up with sheets full of blood and skin. Her boyfriend, at the time, would dress her and wrap her hands in bandages just to go to work. Even driving was a painful experience.
Lying in hospital at the ripe old age of 21, the best case scenario doctors prescribed for her was to take a combination of steroids and anti-depressants to help her cope for the rest of her life.
Fortunately, her Mom came to the rescue and suggested she read a book called, The Secret, and also made her see an NLP practitioner. It was a combination of these and other things which started shifting her mindset.
Her holistic approach to recovery is what started defining and shaping future Camille. After a month backpacking around Australia with her sister, she was fully charged and revitalised and spent the whole flight back writing out her future business plan.
This lady is a headstrong fighter and these days she has a thriving business which is providing an immense amount of value to her tribe of eczema warriors.
We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.
Let’s find out what it means for Camille Knowles, to be Ridiculously Human.
Your fellow beings,
Craig and Gareth
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Background, Context & Reference
Connect with Camille Knowles:
Camille’s books and program:
Book: The Beauty of Eczema
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Other relevant points discussed and mentioned:
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming
The Anxiety Solution by Chloe Brotheridge
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
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Places Mentioned:
Lancashire, United Kingdom
Dead Sea, Israel
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Music By
The Bambuseae Rhythm Section – Check them out here
Simon Van Gend Band – Check them out here
Right Hook Request
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