Edi Csanalosi - Episode 138

Being happy, being joyful is our birthright and it’s also our natural state”

We have a choice to be the victim of our surroundings, or to fly and create new pathways.

Even though she had the baggage of childhood trauma and negative subconscious beliefs about herself, Edi Csanalosi, had the tenacity and bravery to always choose the path less travelled.

Suffering from poor health and a stressful lifestyle, culminating with conventional medicine failing her, Edi was inspired to go on her WELLTH journey. Being told to live with her symptoms of IBS and panic attacks. She knew there was something better out there.

These days, Edi is an expert on Neuro Change Solutions, advising individuals and companies on the best way to get the most vitality and performance from their employees using a combination of eastern traditions and western neuroscience.

Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

  • A life-changing operation at 8 years old
  • Not being able to cry for 9 months
  • Drawing about death
  • The current spiritual renaissance
  • Fighting with siblings
  • Finding Buddhism
  • Why to not make assumptions
  • Being honest with yourself
  • Growing up in Communism
  • Realising you have a bigger calling in life
  • Why people go back to old habits
  • Being addicted to misery
  • When business ideas don’t go to plan
  • A life-shifting astrology report
  • Science of Meditation and it’s benefits
  • Meditating with 8,100 people
  • Reflecting and judging others
  • Survival v Creation mode


I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

Your fellow being



Background, Context & Reference

Connect with Edi Csanalosi:




Course  The Seven Energy Centers of Highly Effective People

Discussion Links:



Inner Child Work


The River of Change


Adrenal Burnout

Joe Dispenza Walking Meditation

Shumann Resonance

Neuro Change Solutions Consultant

Heart Math

People Mentioned:

Joe Dispenza

Bruce Lipton

Books Mentioned:

Becoming Supernatural – Joe Dispenza

Music By

Matthew Parker

Right Hook Request


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