The Free Energy Guy
Hellooo and Happy Friday Gareth,
Tom Paladino, has dedicated 50 years of his life researching a break-through branch of physics, called Scalar Light Therapy.
He developed a deep admiration for the Father of Scalar Light, Nikola Tesla, and later on for Galen Hieronymus.
There are two energies in the universe: Scalar Energy and Electromagnetic Energy. The laws that govern Scalar Energy are distinct from the laws that govern electromagnetic energy.
The conundrum that such energy was not found within the electromagnetic spectrum, fascinated him.
Very interesting chat, that will most likely leave you with many further questions…
Click here to watch and listen to this weeks Full Podcast!
Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast
- $10 trillion spent annually on energy globally
- Nikola Tesla and free energy
- Scalar Light Technology
- Liberating the world with free energy
- Dedicating 50 years of his life to research
- Wireless energy
- Our reliance on the electrical grid
- Researching emerging branches of physics
- Different dimensions of energy
- Photographic healing
- Healing diseases with Scalar energy
- Biological Information vs Informational Communication
- Quantum healing
- Finding your untapped genius
- Chakra energy healing
You can listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Advice shared with me, that may help you too:
The Less You Say The Better
When it comes to heated conversations and confrontations, the less you say is better.
The more you try to explain yourself, or defend your position, the more it allows the other person to have extra ‘ammo’ to come back at you, or more things that can be misinterpreted or misconstrued.
What’s the REMEDY?
- Firstly, take a step back and give yourself time to think
- Whatever your response was going to be, shorten it by 90%
- This often helps diffuse situations, or lessen the impact
- Leave it for the other person to then explain themselves further
None of this stuff is easy, and needs to be practised in real-life situations. Pick the easy battles to begin with so you get better over time.
Something which I have learnt
The Downfall of Choosing Sides
They say that ‘blood is thicker than water’, which is a saying for ‘choosing your family over friends’
So how does that work when it comes to:
- Choosing friends over friends?
- Taking sides in family disputes?
Some people thrive on chaos and conflict, some people even seek it. You may experience this in your own social or family circles.
I’ve always thought that creating a relationship triangle is the least constructive and often most damaging thing.
HOW DO WE RESOLVE or PREVENT this happening?
1) It’s worth letting people resolve their issues first
2) You can certainly listen to people’s grievances, but without giving advice
3) Always remember, friends or family, you are team mates, not opposition
4) Rather ask more questions, than offering your advice
5) Be careful not to justify one sides behaviour
6) Ask yourself how you would like to be treated in this situation?
7) Don’t be an antagonist yourself, own your issues
8) Be strong and prepared to say “No, don’t involve me”
As humans are emotional beings, none of this comes easy.
However, having a few tools on how to deal with them when they crop up can save many relationships.
Personal Stories
Each week, I share a few stories about my life and travels that taught me various lessons
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