Picture of Gareth Martin

Gareth Martin

Executive / Life Coach
Host of Ridiculously Human Podcast

Avoid Butterfish….!

Jeepers…….hello – I know, I know…..it’s been a couple of weeks between posts but that has really been down to intentionally staying on the low down as I had an important exam last Friday which I needed to prepare for.

I was away in Riga, Latvia last weekend on a stag do of a good mate. I must say that even I was surprised at how disciplined I was as I managed to not touch a drop of booze on the trip! I have to be super thankful for such a top bunch of blokes on the trip as not one of them even questioned or gave me grief for not drinking. That is really the way it should be though, I find that it is becoming more normal for people to not drink and for people to be accepting of it too. Maybe it’s just an age thing as we generally all seem to be drinking less and also the circles you socialise in change over time I guess. What was the footy and rugby boys is now my gym and yoga buddies

However – it doesn’t really matter that I was staying healthy and away from the booze I still managed to get an upset stomach from…..wait for it….BUTTERFISH (also known as Escolar). Please, do never eat this fish, it tastes absolutely amazing but is really not good for your digestive system. Two words – extreme diarrhoea. An expert would call it ‘keriorrhoea’. Literally translated, it means ‘flow of wax’. Oily orange droplets pouring out your pooper. Keriorrhoea occurs because the wax esters in the flesh of the fish pool up in your intestine. There are quite a few amusing articles about peoples ‘experiences’ when you start to delve a little deeper and search on google! It’s also interesting and worrying that countries likes Italy, Australia, Japan, the US and many others have actually banned this fish being sold and served!! Maybe I should have just drunk on the trip to kill off all the fish oil wax issues!!

So I have been playing around a little and set-up a very temporary one page website for Fit Ethos which is now where the blog is hosted (Please sign up for future updates). Once you have had a little play around it is easy to create a very basic landing webpage, however there are a lot of little fiddly behind the scenes technical things which take their time to get right and also to research how to do them takes time too. All the information out there is sooooo helpful though so there really is no excuse not to do something, it doesn’t matter how IT literate you are or aren’t!

I have also been having big issues changing my FB Business Page name. After about 3 attempts to change it straight from Rep’n and Prep’n to Fit Ethos, all of which were denied, I tried to change it in parts. THAT WORKED! So it has been Rep’n Ethos for the last week (you can only change the name once a week)…..so at 4:04pm today I am allowed to try and change it again. We shall see how that works! It’s amazing how difficult FB makes it for you to change your business name….you would think it would be fairly easy and straight forward. Oh yes – their customer service is non-existent too. Every email I sent giving them additional information was deleted the next day when I went into my FB Support Inbox. So changing it in small chunks is the way forward and don’t bother emailing them!

Last week was pretty much about finishing my studying for my exam which I had last Friday. The exam was on Nutrition, Anatomy and Physiology as a pre-requisite to enter the kitchen for my Natural Chef’s Diploma. Got to say that the exam was super easy in the end and totally not worth the 60+ hours of studying!! At least I learnt a lot and found it fascinating.

Exciting news is that we got our chef’s knives and other accessories for when we enter the kitchen next Friday. Our first class is Knife Skills, it’s going to be so good to learn how to actually cut things properly

Most of my injuries lately have actually been half chopped off fingers and deep cuts from slipping the knife on foods like onions!! Haha.

So Maressa and I are now in week 7 of the WimHof Method and still really enjoying it. Each week there are little tweaks to the program, either on the exercises you do or to how you take your cold showers! The cold showers are actually rather easy now but this week it’s a little more complex as in you need to hold your breath in the cold shower for a minute (twice!). For our exercises we also added in 10mins of a kung-fu/tai chi type routine which I find really meditative and enjoyable. It certainly works your quad muscles though by just standing in the same crouched, wide legged position.

Tonight I start my altMBA which I think is going to be super intense! This morning we received our 3 projects that we need to deliver this week!! It’s going to be a massive learning experience which I cannot wait to get under my belt! Hopefully it catapults and pushes me to start creating a lot more content without worrying too much what people think about it. I will keep you informed and look forward to the long nights and serious work load!

Hope everyone is super well and all the Londoners have been enjoying this cracking weather lately!!



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