The best filer in the world — my breakthrough!

A journey from Filer to → Yogi to → Coach and Podcaster…and why YOU must chase your dreams too!! I moved to London, from South Africa, when I was 18 years old, FRESH out of high school! I had a plane ticket, a small amount of savings and was off to the UK, where I practically knew nobody! […]
The things I learnt, one year since leaving my job as an Investment Banker — PART 1

I’m sitting here in my undies, on my bed, the sun is shinning through the blinds in my loft and I’ve just finished an amazing morning routine. I started the day with some yoga, went for a mini-walk outside to get some fresh air and take in the morning energy, made a green juice and […]
The things I learnt, one year since leaving my job as an Investment Banker — PART 2

12 Things I should have done more of: Well Good Morning there guys…!! It’s funny, when writing “Good Morning” I always say it to myself as if I’m Robin Williams in the great movie ‘Gooooood Morning Vietnam’. Bless his soul, what an amazing person. I’m so glad and surprised that Part 1 resonated with so many of […]
My first Medium post — over 365 days late!

I have honestly had this account for over a year now and also had a reminder in my phone for probably the same amount of time saying that I need to start writing on Medium!! The amount of times that reminder has been snoozed and reset is rather ridiculous and embarrassing! Sometimes I do wonder […]
It Takes A Lot To Beat A Summers Day And Evening In London!

I’m sitting here after an absolute beaut of a long weekend in London weather wise. For those of you who live in London or who have ever lived here before will know that this city buzzes when the weather is great. I guess it’s partly because it doesn’t happen that often so everyone makes the […]
Shoooweeeee – The AltMBA – That Was Intense!!

Well Hello Hello Peeps!! Geez I know I know….5.5 weeks since my last post! I have a good reason For 5 weeks I was doing this course called the altMBA it was developed by Seth Godin. He is well known as one of the worlds most followed bloggers, a leading marketer and the author of many top selling […]
Avoid Butterfish….!

Jeepers…….hello – I know, I know…’s been a couple of weeks between posts but that has really been down to intentionally staying on the low down as I had an important exam last Friday which I needed to prepare for. I was away in Riga, Latvia last weekend on a stag do of a good […]
Getting The Small Things Out The Way…

So I’m now starting to slip into a nice little routine and getting better at keeping focused and planning my days! Today was one of those days where you pat yourself on the back because you’ve finally done what you promised yourself you would do for the last few months. Do you ever find that […]
Where Does The Time Go…??!!

Hello Everybody! It’s 23:35 on a Sunday night, I was meant to be picking the missus up from the airport an hour and a half ago but it has been delayed almost 3 hours and the poor girl is still sitting on the runway in Madrid. Late one for me tonight! Work will be interesting […]
Behind The Scenes Learning!

Hellloooo all It has been a while only because I had a little trip away to Hong Kong which was booked some time ago. From here I will make these more consistent and not every two weeks (think I have said that a few times now, lol!) So I’ve been learning and doing so much […]