The Queen Homeschooler
Hellooo and Happy Friday Gareth,
The tenacity and strength it takes to go against the grain in society, should be revered!
Nicki Truesdell, was definitely meant to be on this earth. Although, her life may have never commenced based on a decision her 14 year old mother decided not to take…
- Some people are victims, and others are go-getters.
- Some let their environment get the better of them, and others are trailblazers.
- Some are stuck in fear, others are prepared to risk it all.
The world should be thankful for people like Nicki’s parents, and Nicki too. They’ve dealt with the ridicule, the shame, challenged the authorities, and paved they way for future generations to have an alternative learning environment.
She is an inspiring woman with a tough life story, and I also got to pick her brains on all things homeschooling!
Click here to watch and listen to this weeks Full Podcast!
Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:
- Homeschooling and travelling
- Legacy of non-abortion
- Home-birthing 5 children
- Breaking generational cycles
- Impact of faith and religion
- Transitioning from public to homeschool
- Re-starting life with $300
- Living in abusive relationships
- Motherhood on a shoestring
- All year homeschooling
- Society and deprived sleep
- Structure of a homeschooled day
- Socialisation of homeschooled kids
- Bullying at school
- Teaching kids to read
You can listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Advice shared with me, that may help you too:
You’re an Adult. Why are you STILL shouting?
Do you have an explosive temper?
Do certain things really trigger you?
Do certain people really trigger you?
Two things worth noting:
1 – The shouting you are doing is the child in you. Some might say inner child
2 – You have not sat down with your thoughts to understand them
What’s the REMEDY?
- Write out why you feel the way you do
- Write down why you react the way you do
- Trace back these feelings to earlier parts of your life
- Often you have childhood triggers you can identify
- Come up with a game-plan on how to manage future triggerable scenarios
- Also delve deeper into some inner child work. Start with this exercise
Something which I have learnt:
The Consequences of Tough Decisions
Nothing in life is for free. There is always a price to pay.
We’ve all been there…you’ve psyched yourself up and prepared for a tough decision or conversation. Then afterwards, once the dust has settled, you start to question yourself if it was the right decision.
The human mind likes to play tricks on you. You need to remember why you made that decision or had that difficult conversation.
You must also be prepared that any tough decisions carry consequences.
Be sure to pre-prepare your mindset with a list of eventualities, so that there are no surprises and you are psychologically able to weather the storm.
Personal Stories
Each week, I share a few stories about my life and travels that taught me various lessons
Click on the image below if you’d like to find out more