Jeanice Barcelo - Episode 122

“We need to create real education about the preservation of love in families. And it starts with the way we create our children”

Jeanice Barcelo is an author, researcher, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of the medical establishment. In her first book, “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine, Jeanice offers a critical analysis of technological interventions during childbirth and exposes systematic abuse against infants and parents during hospital birth. 

Jeanice argues that medical violence is deliberate and methodical and reveals a decades-long agenda to alter our species by inflicting trauma on us at the earliest stages of our lives. In her second book, The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound, Jeanice exposes the dangers of ultrasonic radiation in utero, as well as the ever-present danger of wireless radiation that is now ubiquitous in our world. 

This is definitely one of the most eye-opening conversations I have ever had. The subject of trauma is something which has been showing up in my consciousness for the last year or so, but not necessarily in the context of birth trauma. I expect this conversation to create some lively debate. (Considering that YouTube removed the Full Podcast after uploading it, they clearly don’t want information like this shared)

Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

  • Truth about the negative health implications of Ultrasound
  • Jeanice having 5 pregnancies, none ending in a live birth
  • The full scope of birth trauma
  • ‘Brain Dead’ is medical fiction
  • Dissociation through trauma
  • Premature birth
  • Drugs used during birth causing mothers and babies distress
  • Mind control of medical students 
  • Learned helplessness through trauma based mind control
  • Why 95% of hospital births are traumatic and 50% severely traumatic
  • The importance of the ‘power hour’ after birth with your baby
  • C-Section trauma
  • The Kalergi Plan
  • Difference between love and lust
  • Eye contact and trauma
  • Circumcision and umbilical cord clamping
  • Why the placenta is a spiritual garden of the baby
  • How to heal birth trauma


Background, Context & Reference

Connect with Jeanice Barcelo

Website – Birth of a New Earth 

Website – Radiation Dangers 


Jeanice Barcelo Books:

Birth Trauma and Ultrasound Books

Discussion Links

Children’s Health Defence

Jin Shin Jitsui

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Watsu Therapy

Emotional Freedom Technique / Tapping

The Kalergi Plan

People Discussed

Robert F Kennedy Jr 

Luke Storey

Dr Paul Byrne

Dr. Stephanie Mines

Book Suggestions

The Ringing Cedars Books

Music By

Matthew Parker

Right Hook Request


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