Podcast Backstory

Originally hosted and started by two best buds (Gareth and Craig) in 2017 because they loved talking to people and wanted to share cool conversations and good vibes with the world. We are still best friends, but as of 2022, Gareth now hosts the Podcast as a solo host.

Gareth Martin

My Brief Story

Born and raised in South Africa, and now living in Brazil, with my beautiful wife and amazing young daughter.

In what now seems like a past life, I worked as an Investment Banker in London for almost 20 years. These days, I spend my time being a Husband, Dad, Podcast Host, Executive and Life Coach for men, and dabbling in a few side business ventures.

Since I can remember, I’ve always been curious and loved listening to people speak about their lives and adventures. Being able to host and help curate these conversations, I feel this is my little gift to the world to show that deep down we are all very similar with so much to learn from each other!

I’ve always valued human connection and community, and in this day and age find it more important than ever, in what can sometimes seem like a rather divisive and intolerant world!

I hope these conversations light your belly, bring you hope and joy, and allow you to constantly learn and evolve from listening to others.


Gareth (read more about Gareth here)