A Memorable “Off Day” from Camp Counselling

Some days, you can still ‘feel’ It was the summer of 1999. I was 18 years old, and a little wet behind the ears, even though I had already been living overseas for 5 months. I lived with about 350 others on this amazing summer camp, called Camp Schodack, in New York State. We got […]
Keep the Fire Going in Your Friendships

When I lived in London, our groups of friends adopted an idea where every couple of month’s we would go to someone’s house on the weekend for a culinary themed catch up!! Any excuse to eat good food, right? Most of the time, it ended up in a fun and boozy affair! Those were the […]
Encountering Ayahuasca: A Night in the Amazon to Remember

Ryan Hawell and I, spoke about our Ayahuasca experience in the deep dark Amazon Jungle Exploring the Depths of Human Experience: An Ayahuasca Journey in Peru Travelling is often about the unexpected, the adventures that shape us and form unforgettable memories. One such adventure took us to the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Peru, […]
The Essence of an Attractive Man

Alex Moore and I, discussed some important wisdom worth sharing for anyone struggling in their relationships Understanding the Core Needs of Women in Relationships: Clarity, Security, and Vision One of the key insights I’ve gained about relationships, particularly concerning women, is the crucial importance of clarity, security, and certainty. Many men often misunderstand this fundamental […]
The Isolating Effect of Technology

Adam Rossi tells me about his concern of technology and the trajectory it is on when it comes to influencing human behaviour The Isolating Effect of Technology: Navigating the Balance Between Digital and Human Connection As a parent and a professional, I (Adam) often find myself reflecting on the profound impact technology has on human […]
Unconventional Hiring Tactics for Employee Retention

How Transparency and Tough Love Drive Employee Retention Chris Hellgeth and I, had a fascinating conversation around the highs and lows of business success and failure. Before someone joins my (Chris) team, there’s one rule: they must talk to the other people who already work here. I insist on this because the hardest part about […]
Navigating Toxic Friendships

Navigating Toxic Friendships: A Journey of Self-Awareness and Balance Brad Smith and I delved into the concept of toxic friendships. Many of us have people in our circles who are effectively toxic energy suckers, who don’t serve us well. It’s quite difficult to distance ourselves from them. So, how do we do it? What steps […]